AHGBI Development Fund Awards

Outcome of the Spring round of AHGBI Development Fund Awards Spring 2024

We are glad to announce the outcome of the Spring round of AHGBI Development Awards. Two awards were made from the Trevor J. Dadson Publication Enhancement Fund:

Yairen Jerez Columbié: towards preparation of images for Hurricane Culture: For an Eco-Poetics of Relations beyond the Hispanic Caribbean

Javier Muñoz-Basols & Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez: towards translation costs for an English-language open-access edition of La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología: de la justicia social a la inteligencia artificial

Congratulations to the recipients!

AHGBI Public Engagement Fund

This fund provides up to £500.00 for Early Career Academics (within eight years of PhD graduation or six years of first academic appointment) to engage in impact-style activities related to a current or future research project.

Trevor J. Dadson Publication Enhancement Fund

This fund provides up to £500.00 to cover the purchase of illustration rights, translations, proofing or indexing for forthcoming publications. It is open to all members.

AHGBI (in association with the Instituto Cervantes) Travel Fund

This grant is offered in conjunction with the Instituto Cervantes London and enables members of the AHGBI to access the Reina Sofía Library. The library provides access to over 45,000 items, including literature and periodicals, as well as two important collections: Spanish Civil War leaflets; and the Travelers’ Book Collection (travel in Spain from the 18th to the 20th Century).

The grant comprises up to £2000.00 for expenses plus free access to the Reina Sofia Library (normally charged at £40 per year). Eligible expenses include travel to London, subsistence and accommodation where necessary. This scheme is open to all members.

In all cases, members are permitted to make only one application to any of these funds in a single year. Applications will be processed by the AHGBI members’ representatives on the Board of Trustees, Jean Andrews and Frank Lough, and normally approved by the Board at its Spring and Autumn meetings.

Applications should be submitted by Tuesday 7th May 2024 to m.p.thompson@durham.ac.uk using the form below.

Application Form