Annual Subscription Rates

Subscription rates from 16 August 2014

GB £
Full rate for members with a salaried teaching or research post


Discounted rate for research students, language assistants and others who do not hold a full-time teaching or research post


Discounted rate for members over the normal retirement age


When your membership has been confirmed by the Membership Secretary, please complete parts 1 to 4 of the Standing Order form to instruct your Bank or Building Society to make an annual payment directly to the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland.

Do not return this form to your bank. So that we can record and track your membership, please return the form directly to the Treasurer:

Dr Tilmann Altenberg
School of European Languages, Translation & Politics
Cardiff University
65-68 Park Place
Cardiff CF10 3AS


Photo: Cuzco (Peru), by Tilmann Altenberg